
Hi there! I’m Kait and in 2016 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Things seemed to be in decent control until I started experiencing intense nausea and bloating, and, upon examination, abdominal tenderness. And by tenderness I mean I almost simultaneously headbutted and kicked my GI while she palpated my belly. The prognosis? Potential obstruction.

The next step: a low-residue diet. While following a mostly plant-based, WomanCode protocol diet.*

After crying and screaming about life in Central Park (as one does), I bunkered down and researched. And researched. And then it was 2 am and I had a whole Google Doc of “how to be low residue and vegan-ish” with tables & bullet-pointed lists, and a Pinterest board with “make this low residue” notes in the captions and well you get the picture!

My IBD friends had no recommendations for food blogs around low residue diets. I found a handful of recipes and some sample meal plans, but many of them revolved around meat. And “low residue diet” + “vegan” in google gave me a measly two relevant results. As an avid food blog reader + foodie, I couldn’t believe it.

Then I decided to change it.

Thus, Low Res Veg was born – as a friend joked, the low res could describe both the food and the photos. 😉 This isn’t meant to be a beautiful food blog (nothing against them – I love them and read about 15 regularly but yeah not the point of this). It’s meant to be a valuable, practical resource to those of your who, like me, find your food world flipped upside down. On here you’ll find meal plans, recipes, personal updates, and who knows what else?

Excited to explore with you.

Kait xo

*Diet Details

In 2009 I gave up meat and never looked back. In 2012, I gave up dairy, had an on-again, off-again relationship for another 2 years, and then completely ditched it in 2014. In 2016, I added eggs back into my diet during what would later be diagnosed as my first Crohn’s flare since I quickly realized that legumes (a vegan’s biggest source of protein) were not sitting well.

In 2017, I started playing with the WomanCode protocol. I didn’t follow it to a T but primarily focused on Step 1: Stabilize Your Blood Sugar and Step 4: Eat with Your Cycle (yes, your menstrual cycle). Between the Crohn’s, arthritis, and hypothyroidism, I figured my hormones could use a boost and that’s what the protocol’s made for.